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Taking Video Selfies May Improve Brushing Technique

Selfies:  Can they really be good for your teeth? Probably not what you expected to hear but research published in the Indian Journal of Dental Research of a recent study by Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine found that individuals who record video “selfies” of themselves while brushing helped to improve their brushing technique. 

While most people have the desire and ability to brush properly, they often do not due to improper technique.  Using your smartphone and taking a simple “selfie” can set you well on your way to better dental health.  

Before the study, the researchers assessed and corrected each participant’s brushing habits until they were able to demonstrate proper technique.  During the study participants used stands to hold their smartphones and film themselves as they brushed their teeth. They were then scored on time spent brushing and skill mastery, including brushing in a circular motion, obtaining a 45-degree angle while brushing the facial surfaces of the teeth, and correct positioning of the arm.

Researchers saw an increase in the accuracy of brush strokes, an increase in the number of strokes, and an overall 8% improvement in toothbrushing skill, though the duration of brushing did not change.  

“Often, tooth-brushing is learned and practiced without proper supervision,” Lance T. Vernon, co-author and a senior instructor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine, said in a press release. “Changing tooth brushing behaviors — which are ingrained habits tied to muscle memory — can take a lot of time and guidance.”

“Our study suggests that, in the future, recording these selfies can help shift some of this time investment in improving brushing to technology,” added Vernon. “Patients can then receive feedback from dental professionals.”

Recording a dental “selfie” as you brush makes you more conscious of your technique and can help get rid of ingrained habits that may be harmful to your dental hygiene. Proper brushing and care help prevent oral diseases like tooth decay and periodontal disease. For more information and a viedo from the American Dental Association on best brushing practices visit:

At My Plantation Dentist we are always here to help you find the best brushing techniques for maintaining and improving your dental health.  Call us today at (954) 584-1030 to schedule your next visit and discuss the best brushing practices with our team.  


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