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Teething Tips from the Dentist

Teething generally starts when a baby is 6-8 months old, and they usually have all their baby teeth in place by the time they are about 2 1/2 years of age. Naturally when babies are teething, they may be uncomfortable and irritable, but a few tips from the dentist can help you both through this time.

Look for symptoms such as excessive drooling, biting, fussiness, disturbed sleep patterns, and decreased appetite. Although teething can affect each baby differently, here are a few ways to help ease your baby’s discomfort during this time.

  • Gently massage the gums with a cool, wet, clean washcloth, gauze, or your finger.
  • Give baby a teething ring, pacifier or spoon to chew on, but never any plastic objects that could break.
  • Offer your baby soft, cool things to eat including yogurt or applesauce, if they’re eating solids.
  • Avoid the use of topical pain relievers or homeopathic teething tablets, which are typically ineffective, unnecessary, and may be dangerous or even fatal for babies.

Although teething may not be fun, with your help baby will be soon be through it, and have a beautiful, healthy smile to show for it.

If you would like to find out more about your baby’s teething, Dr. Heidi Finkelstein at My Plantation Dentist can help. To schedule your appointment for an examination, please contact us today at 954-584-1030.


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