Teething generally starts when a baby is 6-8 months old, and they usually have all their baby teeth in place by the time they are about 2 1/2 years of age. Naturally when babies are teething, they may be uncomfortable and irritable, but a few tips from the dentist can help you both through this
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It’s probably no surprise that if your body is healthy, the odds are better that you can get pregnant when you’re ready. However, what might be news is that how well both men and women care for their oral health can have an impact on their ability to conceive. In fact, over seven million Americans
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During menopause, hormonal changes can affect every part of your body. These changing estrogen levels can affect the jaw bones, tongue, and salivary glands, and may lead to various symptoms and added risks to your oral health. In fact, estrogen deficiency can put menopausal women at a greater risk for periodontal disease, receding gums, loose
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It is estimated that 25-50% of the population regularly suffers from bad breath (halitosis). Those who have it may not even be aware of it due to issues with their sense of smell, or by a developed tolerance to the odor. Yet, bad breath can have a negative impact on the social lives of those
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Your smile can affect every area of your life, including your social life, romance, work, and especially your health. Aside from the positive responses that you typically receive from other people when you smile, studies indicate that smiling and laughing can have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health. Research shows that
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The correlation between oral and systemic health is becoming well-established the more it is researched. One specific bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, is often found in the swollen, red, and tender gums of those with severe periodontitis. Nearly half of all adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease. Additionally, it affects approximately
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida fringilla neque sit amet sollicitudin. Duis aliquam dictum feugiat. Quisque elit tortor, ullamcorper quis ultrices vitae, mattis non est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut ac suscipit lorem. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus ac neque gravida, in tristique urna placerat. Morbi in purus rutrum, hendrerit tellus pulvinar, interdum nisl.
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Typically, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. However, your dentist may suggest taking an antibiotic before treatment to decrease the chance of an infection. This is called antibiotic prophylaxis. Everyone has bacteria in their mouth and during some dental treatments, bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and can cause infection in other
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Spring is traditionally a time of rejuvenation and rebirth. Although more than one million adults in the U.S. currently have braces, many more are interested in exploring the possibility of having their teeth straightened. Numerous adults who previously had orthodontics as children, now want to re-straighten their teeth, or are ready to do so to
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