Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. When the teeth and gums aren’t properly cleaned through regular brushing and flossing, the bacteria form a sticky film on the teeth called plaque that produces acids, which can damage teeth and gums and result in tooth decay or gum disease. When left untreated, a bacterial infection can occur
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When you’ve had a dental procedure what and how you eat can be impactful. Since vitamins and minerals are vital to healing, you’ll want to be sure you’re getting plenty of these. Therefore, whenever possible you’ll want to choose nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods and lean meats, eggs and beans. In
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Our mouth and teeth play important roles in our bodies and serve vital functions. Not only do they help us tear and chew our food, but they aid digestion, help support our facial shape, and play a large part in our speech and in our overall health. However, there are some functions that teeth shouldn’t
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When you’re expecting, dental health is an important consideration, not only for you, but for your new addition also. Ideally, you may want to make a dental appointment when you are planning your pregnancy in order to have your teeth professionally cleaned, your oral health examined, and any problems treated in advance. Your dentist will
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Having regular dental visits is one of the best things you can do for your child’s health. It’s important to find a child-friendly dentist who is great with your child, and it’s also good to know how to help your child have the most positive experience. Taking your child along to your and other family
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It’s almost summer and there are so many great benefits for children who play summer sports. Among these are the physical activity, social interaction, self-esteem building, along with encouragement of healthy eating habits and a check with the doctor and dentist before beginning. While exercise is good for every child’s health, it’s important to make
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What you eat and drink can make a difference in the condition of your teeth and gums, and a nutritious, well-balanced diet is vital for great dental health. When your diet lacks the proper nutrients, it may cause the tissues in your mouth to be less capable of fighting off infection and disease. Therefore, those
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Canker sores are painful small, round or oval sores that appear in the mouth. They are one of the most common oral conditions with more than half of all people experiencing them. Canker sores may appear on any soft tissue such as gums, tongue, cheeks, or inside the lips. Often this condition is recurrent and
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If you’re experiencing an unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, you’re probably wondering what might be causing it. In fact, there can be many causes and it may be a symptom of a more serious health concern. Distortion of taste can also cause other serious issue, as taste is required for identifying spoiled foods and
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When you’re looking forward to the upcoming holidays, you may be thinking about how to look your best. This year, allow yourself to take the steps and make a plan to feel confident that your smile is its brightest and whitest. The way to begin is simply by making an appointment for a consultation with
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